Hi! I'm Loren. I'm not sure if I have anything to say, but I guess we're going to find out. I like to hike, but this is more than a hiking blog. I am a Christian so you can expect some God talk. I'm getting older and fighting it every step of the way. I am retired and am still trying to figure out what that's all about. Technology amazes me. People confuse me. Sometimes I think I've got something important figured out, but when I start talking, people look at me like I'm crazy. Most days I choose to just listen and often what I hear scares me. 

This blog, mostly written in my hiking tent, in my garage workshop, and in bed, when I should be sleeping, is my attempt to express myself safely and privately...on the internet. What could go wrong? Feel free to contact me if you have questions or comments. I might reply if I decide you are not a bot. Most blog posts will have the option to comment. Please be nice, my feelings get hurt easily and I know where the delete button is. I currently live near Modesto, California, and am open to making new friends. A day hike is always a good way to make a new friend so let me know. I'm going to stop writing now so I'll have something to say for my first blog post. The internet tells me I need to include a personal photo on this blog page and I always do what the internet tells me.

Thanks for following along!
